Well tested system of skin finishing by means of a cylinder with reverse rotation: Gemata has vast experience in this field and to meet the increasingly more stringent specifications has put on the market a new model of machine, the ROTACOAT model MTRN.
General characteristics:
- continuous working process with variable speed from 2 to 14m/min
- possibility of regulating the amount of substance applied to the skin from 55-60g/sq.fq. to 4-5g/sq.ft. by changing the cylinder which carries the colour
- economic to run: very little manintenance is required. A few minutes are sufficient to wash the machine or to change a different coloru
- no waste of materials: the colour is applied under pressure and directly to the skin by a special cylinder. This also provides optimum adhesion
- the machine can process skinf of 0,4-0,5 mm to 5-5 mm thickness
- the machine is fitted with fast wash equipment, wheels fo re-siting, motor/speed change units, electrical wiring.
The machine is capable of:
- foundation impregnation with resins
- finishinf with resin or pigment. Any liquid substances can be used and the amount applied is determined by the cylinder type in use at the time; the field of application is thus wide and varied from the split to the full grain
- application of oils
- aniline staining of the grain
- application of any sunstance to the skin.
- the machine is fitted with a system of continous recycling of the colour. A pump delivers colour from the container to the application cylinder; the colour not immediately used returns to the container for later use
- the rubber conveyor is continuously washed by a revolving brush and a rubber blade which removes any excess water
- the cylinders fitted to our machines and engraved in our works by a particular engraving process to obtain a perfect application of colour and to avoid any lines even on the most delicate work.